Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In Search Of...

Eli Pariser's TED talk on "Filter Bubbles"
    I had no idea that Facebook, Google, and other sites were tailoring the information we see to what they think we want to see.
   Now, I feel like there is a lot that I am missing out on online. I think there is a lot more information that I cant see because the algorithms have decided (for me) that I am not interested in that particular information.
  For me, this video raises the question of whether or not I am getting the full experience i should be allowed to recieve online. It is secluding us into our own "filter bubbles", only allowing us to see what the algorithms think we want to see.
   I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by taking more time to look at different sources for what I am looking for. Checking all and any websites, articles, videos, etc. that I can.

Re-researching William Shakespeare is hard because I am not entirely sure if I am seeing all the possible information that is out there. Using Google Search Engine, I typed in "Life of Shakespeare" and looked  at some of that information. Then I searched "Life of William Shakespeare" and compared the information from that search to the other search. Lastly I searched "Biography of William Shakespeare" and compared that information. Each time I changed the key words in the search box, new information appeared. I think that by changing up the key words in the search box, you have a better chance of seeing new information that you havent already seen. By only  searching one topic, one specific way, you're limiting yourself to certain information and allowing yourself to stay in your "Filter Bubble".

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